Sunday, December 25, 2011

Mele kalikimaka is a thing to say...

As we all are sharing our time today with the ones we love either in thoughts or physically, I just wanted to wish you all a merry christmas on this bright day.

Enjoy your turkey dinner, your foie gras and coquille saint-jacques!

I'm giving virtual hugs to the ones overseas and thousands of Santa kisses from Canada!

Love you ;)

Enjoyin' coffee and Bailey's on a Xmas morning

Friday, December 23, 2011

It's that time of the year...

It is indeed that time of the year where everyone feels like wearing their tacky christmas sweater. It's that time of the year where you drink hot chocolate with ramarshwmallllow (pretending to eat my marshmallow while writing). It's that time of the year where one can smell clementine. It's that time of the year where you gather with friends after a final race for the end of the term. It's that time of the year where you wanna share everything: time, love, friendship, gifts...

The tree is ready, stockings are filled, packages to be wrapped, Christmas sweater on, Christmas movie on, cinnamon candle on, everything surrounding us is bright, enlightening and heart-warming.

Last friday was our christmas dinner, friends at home, fondue on the stove, pinata stuffed with candies and not-so-candies like gifts, gifts and Elf. Christmas is about that, not about going to the mall and buying, no I'm just coming back from there and seeing people rushing... This is not my christmas. My christmas is about sending people letters and packages that will make their heart go wwwwweeeeeeeee up and down booom booom boooom, eyes filled with stars of happiness and surprise: this is christmas.
When you can touch someone, with a word, with an attention, with an invitation, it's all that matters.

There are two things in Canada, (good and bad): the malls and the family time.

On my way back home, I caught myself looking and laughing at kids falling over and over on the ice rink, uptown waterloo. This was one of my favorite moment today. Looking at that little girl, trying to ice-skate, with her brother and her mommy. Canada: where the kids know how to ice-skate before walking. This moment was what I preferred compared to the comments I could hear in the mall: "What can I buy him/her? What do you think she/he will like?" Use your brain or at least your heart, not your wallet... These tow kids were just enjoying their moment. We, adults, sometimes forget how to enjoy Christmas, but we can learn again...

So I hope everyone will enjoy their sharing time, it's not about pretending who you want to be or who you think people think you are. It's about family, good times, fun times. It's about sharing what you know will make the other happy. It's deeper than just exchanging gifts, it's about our time together separated, away or together.

Merry Christmas everyone : Love From Canada

Coleeeeeny out ==>

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Whaaaaaaat : illegal immigrant

On this day, known as the 22nd of December, I'm officially considered as an illegal immigrant in the states....ooooooops my mistake.

Let me rewind a bit... In September, after having been stuck and wandering around Buffalo I was able to go to Canada. However, I had to go back to the States for my friends' wedding and I had my visa waiver in order... Then, after the wedding weekend, I went back home, with a relaxed mind. I was at the border (finally) getting my study permit and did not really take into account that Visa waiver... should have I guess.

Hours, days, weeks, months go by and we're today or maybe a tiny bit earlier, we're yesterday. Chillin', smokin' shisha with R, catchin' up on what's new and what happened, talking about our travels and then it hits me hard in the face like a Maple Leaf's puck :  I forgot to surrender my I-94W form.

I start freaking out, just a bit, you know the states are not the most heart-warming persons and welcoming in terms of immigration. I started researching methods of not being considered illegal or having over-stayed my visa... and of course the internet is great and offered me the answer on a plate. I just needed to send the green paper (not a green card of course) to a specific address with, however, a whole bunch of evidence, proof of your residence in a different country: debit or credit card receipts, bills, contracts, passports, tickets OOooo MMmmm GEeeee. What else a coffee topped with milk foam and chocolate powder??? Ok, on my way to school to scan all the necessary documents, a letter of explanation with my information and I'm all set to send them the evidence that of course I'm not an illegal immigrant ;)

I guess I'd do the same if it was to prove that I was a legal immigrant.

Express post and hopefully next time I'm going to the states I'll have to be a billion nicer than what I should (just in case that they have it in my record, since they already have my picture and finger prints XXXX)

So from now on, I will definitely let them take the card before I go!

US : I want to be in order (I am, I'm in Canada)

Ze paper in question
Coleeeeeeny out ===>

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This is an announcement...

« I have had quite enough ! Since the moment I fell down that rabbit hole, I’ve been told what I must do and who I must be. I’ve been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot. I’ve been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice. »

Ooooh Deleuze, I'm now over you, dissertation done, and please let me not repeat it. However, you know that feeling... the one that surfaces once your done... It's just like that, well I'm done, but I can still feel the presence of it and I can't help it but having to look at it, to think about it... I'm haunted by this dissertation. Well at least, I can say I'm haunted by Alice and it's pretty much enjoyable. 

Least to say : what's next... Renaissance, pedagogy and then the term will be over. Two weeks of death, two weeks of pure intensity, my brain is electrically as productive as a nuclear station. I guess it could be a good idea to plug human beings... 

In addition to our continuous process of thoughts or thinking, we debate a lot (we being not me and my thoughts but friends and I) : "la philosophie deleuzienne normalement n'est vraiment pas associée à la littérature de jeunesse" is that right, maybe not, let's rephrase it a bit..................

Oooh and of course the corrections, best moment ever, because of the discovery of treasures, once written and forgotten, or maybe not.... One of these treasures: "Je me jette les déchets dans les pourboires" That sounds correct, but not coherent... She must have had a different perspective then.

After this week will come the time of christmas parties, reunions, dinners, gatherings and gifts' exchanges... That's why I will have to leave you for now on, I have to prepare surprises for loved ones....

On a christmas party, I once had to hold a baby:

"Soft kitty warm kitty, little bowl of fur, Happy kitty sleepy kitty pur pur pur"

Coleeeeeeny out ======>


Friday, December 9, 2011

Scrunch scrunch scrunch....

It's that time of the year again when you love dressing up... to walk in the snow.

Snow boots on, bright pink coat, scarf, gloves, glasses, double trousers, and BIKE. This morning, it was a nice ride to school, in the snow, feeling freshened up because of the air and because of the whiteness of the landscape.

Winter is finally there, and I wonder how people in France can live without the snow. I love being cold with the snow: not without. It makes more sense to have winter with fun times whereas just having a greyhish winter, thanks but no thanks.

The sound of snow cracking or squishing under your shoes is also unique and joyful. Silence surrounds the place but the only sound you can distinguish in that silence is your scrunch scrunch scrunch as you walk...

Just so you can see : 

A view from the office    

Thursday, December 8, 2011

To be continued....

Well stories never really start but when they do, we tend to think they will have an end, this one does not it's just an ever to be continued process, never separated from when it started and never ending...

Anyways, after having been stuck for the past few months at the border.... NOOOOOO, of course not! After looping up and down with the immigration, running from one place to the other, getting papers and authorizations, I was finally able to get to Canada and me Home ;)

Ever since then, life has been pretty casual, punctuated with our customary celebrations and parties, dinners, lectures, essays, exams... One thing for sure is that one day I'll publish a book as I told J with her sentences, just a few as an intro here:

"I just puked a little in my mouth"(context = burping)
"I just had a pois chiche and it was amazing" (context = Mongolian grill no pois chiche in her selection => SURPRISE for her taste buds)
"Tu as dit chatte ou chiotte" (contexte = someone having seen a lot of them) The face was pretty epic

"T'es loffe"

PS: J I hope you'll recognize yourself and PPS: I will definitely make a christmas book quotes out of it!!!

SOME PIX of what happened now and then around here

Pumpkin search


Gandalf's pumpkin carvin'


Awkward family portrait... no AWESOME

P's 25th

Chillin' on the roof 26/11/2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well a cool summer, a hot summer, a working summer, a vacation summer. All this to say that since I was back in France everything went pretty fast. I finished my master's degree (not without any difficulty and some panic attack), had two jobs and filled paperwork to get back to Canada. I was trying to figure what paperwork to fill out and noticed some difficulty there too (difficulty that will lead to the bed I'm currently lying on).

In July I filled my paper, sent it to Canada hoping that everything would be done. Being away from all the adresses I had given it was a bit scary since I did not have any control on the information but anyways. I went on holiday in French Guiana, awesome holidays of course, visiting everything, sun bathing, swimming finally enjoying a break. (a short one since my back to school is pretty hectic!!!)

And then came the time to travel back home: ie Canada. After many stops in the Caribbean Islands, I finally got to Miami, first scary moments since US immigration officers always scare the hell out of me. I get in (through the diplomats and crew lane = cool) and wait for my next flight ===> heading to Washington DC.

Of course Washington DC was awesome. We had a great time for the Bachelorette party of Shiny S. Dancing Michael Jackson (on the Wii), Kayacking, clubbing. Brunch with drag queens, movies... A great time indeed. And then some visits.

After that it was time to get back on my travel machine and get back to Canada. MEGABUS: yeah a long ride and there comes the border. Getting off the bus with my papers and here comes the Canadian officer. I explain my status and then she says that she has to take me to the immigration office behind the counter (gluuuurps) OK, OK... I get there and then after talking and checking my status they tell me that the extension had to be done in Canada (oups Crappa di Crap). So I'm not allowed to go back to Canada and I have to be sent back to the US border in order to go to the consulate... And I'm sent back to the US side and I have to wait in the restricted area where the bad guys are ( :s ) . I'm allowed back in, get to the consulate but too late for today's schedule... And there I am booking a hotel in Buffalo and waiting in my hotel room until Thursday to know and learn about my fate...

I hope I'll be fine and just wanted to let you know how it was to be back on the other side again!!!

Coleeeeeny out ====>

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A essayé de passer par la chattière

Alors que les semaines s'écoulent mais que l'encre ne coule pas, puisque la magie de la technologie fait que l'on écrit sur un écran sans stylo, il me faut une pause d'écriture non intellectuelle. La pluie au RDV, me laissant du temps pour écrire et finir mon mémoire, j'expérimente certaines choses.

L'une d'entre elles a été de récemment tenter de passer par la chattière du chat : epic fail. Je passe mon pied, mais bon le reste... C'est pas grave, qui ne tente rien n'a rien. Sinon en guise d'expérimentation, ce qui est intéressant lorsque l'on écrit un mémoire c'est de pouvoir tester toute sorte de café. Devenue accro à la caféine, je puis vous dire qu'un bon café corsé me permet d'avoir les yeux écarquillés et la productivité démultipliée à plus de deux heures du mat. (Je vous conseille un bon Kenyan de chez Gréo, sans citer de marque mwhahaha)

Bon trève de plaisanterie, ce n'était en fait que pour dégourdir mon esprit que je suis venue sur mon blog, plus de news dans une semaine où je pourrais peut-être dire que j'ai fini mon mémoire!

A ciao bonsoir,

Coleeny out ========>

PS à écrire un mémoire, on en perd la tête, pour preuve, cf photo.

Losing one's head

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer, I love what you bring...

Canada oh dear Canada, I'm away while you blossom... I'll get to see you next year, next september, next summer

Summer, of course the season of sun the Chun season (chouette+fun). After finishing exams and work, it was time to go. The last days in the loo were a combination of partying, packing and saying goodbye, (of course watching avatar was included).
These last things to do before you go involved: going to the Falls again, going to club and see a French Canadian 'rockband' (no pun intended), having some canadian breakfast, enjoying my ride with T and J to the airport, and of course those last moments. I'll get to see you again soon oh Canada.
In the meantime, I'm on the other side from the other side. Back to the 4x4 yeah we kinda rock here, dealer de fleur de sel.
Anyways, these days could be summarized as taking care. Taking care of everything left: people, thesis, jobs.
Indeed, since may, it has just been about finishing my M2, working, writing and cueillir la Fleur de Sel, (it's an early season, this year). Seeing old friends and more is good. Summer brings happiness and sun in our hearts. Summer is a cup filled with gold (white gold) and brings with its wind, a florilège of adventures (again just like every year since Last Year)   ;)

Coleeeeeny out for now on ===========>

Summer: An in-between

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Live fast and die young?

If that catch phrase is real, well then I'm pretty much following it, even though living that fast is not killing me, but making me feel good. I haven't been able to write anything, mostly because I was jsut procrastinating on everything, except work for here.

Some people have been complaining about the missing parts of news I used to give, so some updates. Well for one thing, my parents came here and living with three people in the place I live was epic, but good. We traveled around, had some falls (especially my mom) some good laughs, some historical time, some wonderful sight-seeing, some nice breakfasting (making up verbs now), some good friend's get-togethering (wine and cheese) and others. Then, well the term was going on and as lectures went on and teaching as well, it came to an end. Of course let's not forget the study parties, the thursdays' dinner, the MacDo/confessions intimes, parties (not the serious one), FLUFFY (and it's so fluffy I'm gonna die)/ Poker nights (by the way, some people owe me money, JK), Saint Patrick's day, snow angels, road pylones, golf clubs, biking to the Maple Syrup festival, BBQing, generally I'd say awesome times.

Anyways, as words can talk (are you sure of that???) but I'm lazy to write I'll just post pictures that will talk for me (LAZY ASS is what we call me, well for now on ;)


The Falls

Dinners ;)

THE car


Matchin' pairs

Matchin pairs 2

Si six cent scies scient six cent six saucisses...

Maple Syrup festival

Nom Nom Nom

Drunk Kid with Maple ???
Well, that's it up to now, but more to come (maybe)

Coleeeny out ===>

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Being Shoptimistic happens all the time here, whether you are tired, under loads of work, in your bed, dancing, partying, tea-bagging or other.

January has been crazy as hell, just like always, but months are going quickly like the river flows when there's a storm. January was the time of new commitments, new projects, consecration of other projets, fulfillment etc etc.

Shisha has been a way to go, the bal was crazy as us, helium helping as much as the flasks we had brought oups. Having fun is free though and this is great.

I'm not sinking about this but mostly thinking and it was a lot of fun.

I won't be too long in this one I just wanted to say ENJOY, SMILE and LIVE.

PS: if anyone is interested in hot yoga you should do it I started and this is one of the best activities I have ever had!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Way to go

Ohlalalala I'm such a bad updating person. Let's face it I update certain things like me yeah every six months or so i need a reset, a crisis that says oooh STOP you've been too far let's get back on track (this happened last week though: Migraine thanks for letting me know)
Anyways I should finish the NYC story but can't even remember where I've left The Story Wait, i'll come back in a few mins and will finish it

................................................................................................................................................................................................................                                                                                  ................................................

Ok there we go.

So on thursday, bright sunshine, bright sky line, seagulls playing, well it was time for me to go check the old lady saying high from over there, the lady on the other side. Taking the subway, walking to the deck, passing the security checkpoints (ooo take off your glasses the detectors are too sensitive, no kidding) getting on board. Well that went well and pretty fast and actually really good since I met a travel buddy for the day (and more) you know what we say about meeting new people from different walks of life, you always get to see everyone again. Anyways, navigating through a storm of cameras and almost involved in a shipwreck (just adding some suspense here) we got on the other side ;)

Big Lady, you got some crazy gigantic arms, legs, feet whatever. Making fun in front of her (inside her, mmmmmmmmm please no "that's what she said" jokes that would really be inappropriate) especially since I really "broke" in because first I did not have the right to have a backpack and did and almost got in and then MOSTLY BECAUSE I DIDN'T PAY FOR A TICKET TO GET IN THE STATUE.
Talk about security, (btw I should make sure no home affairs guy or others (see what I mean) will read this (noooooo where would the fun be in that case). So I got in there, took a tour, pix and went to the other island yeah the immigrants one you know where everyone first got or set their foot on (before the moon) loool.

We explored the building and relived history, tried finding out if whether some members of our families were there but NOPE it was for that exhilarating moment where MAYBE.

A maybe is "everything is possible" so maybe...

After that I went back downtown and made my way towards 30 ROCK because I had to do it, I had to do it. This was great, before getting in I went a separate way from my buddy travelers, and had to wait for our turn to get to the TOP OF THE ROCK. Therefore I just started "flaner" on 5th avenue and other places around, the ice-skating place etc etc.

On the top it was awesome, a different view from ESB but still a great one. Took my time definitely just because you have that crazy crazy feeling of who's up there, who's on top (JK) still the view really is amazing.

Went back down got my pix from TOP OF THE ROCK yeahhh and i think i went home because walking around that day was just crazy. Plus I had to walk even more the day after, being the 31st and having two museums left and ooo yeah NEW YEAR'S EVE ;)

So that friday I went to MOMA and the MET: these museums are awesome and I would have loved hanging out there for much longer but anyways... I won't talk about these visits much just that I saw some pretty good classics from Van Gogh to Pollock (whom I love) from Picasso to Monet etc etc AWESOME masterpieces!!!

After that I went to Central Park and had to go from the East Side to the West one and meet some friends for dinner before trying to get into TIMES SQUARE. We had a really good dinner with oldies (old friends) and new ones and at one point i tried to go to Times Square. I walked around, talked to some police officers, went to one entrance and was told that because of my backpack I would not get in.... :( too bad......... Anyways I was not that sure i'd be freezing my A** off. Just went back to a friends party in what we call RIGHT ON TIME (yeaaaaaaah VIVA the 80's and 90's house music) and spent a Happy New Year. Some friends were sick making that night pretty epic but that was great.

The day after (ahaha) waking up hanging in the apartment and then Chinatown to meet up with oldies, old friends again ;) We started hanging out for a bit had some fun doing some fake shopping and went separate ways :(

After that I got back home, got some rest and went back out for a last din din in NY: burrito night (or actually it ended being a Taco night ;)

Good friends, good food, good nights out.

The day after I was back in a bus (that I almost missed thinking it was 10:50 when in fact it was at 9:50 but as smart as my ass is I showed up earlier to be cool). Long way back home sits uncomfortable, had a Tim Burton movie marathon, was glad to cross the frontier and be back in Canada, got to Toronto, back to Loo and then to T's place where I had dinner, shower and drinks.

This is how great NY was

About january, that's a whole other story: applying for a PhD, working on my thesis, lectures, children's literature, bars, diners friends un bal craziness as usual. Therefore more to come

"Live Fast and Die Young"

Tha Big Lady

Coconut & Baby-sitter

Big Foot?

30 ROCK ;)

Ice-Skating at 30 ROCK


Top of the Rock by light

Top of the Rock by dark ;)


Previous pix: from MOMA

How do you call that figure of style/speech

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Along the Broadway...

Back on track...

As a follow up to the NYC trip, here are some of the following days and adventures...
Tuesday, 28, 9:00 AM
Ring a ling aaaaaahh no just my ringing alarm, yes indeed short nights make long days. Waking up at my friend's boyfriends parents' apartment, some chat, a shower and breakfast....
After a few times, I called my friend back after studying the map and making my plans to visit the Big A. So new back up plan, another roommate who couldn't get his flight was still in NYC and I just had to pick up the keys to his girlfriends' apartment. In order to do so, get out from the building, turn right, cross the streets then left and wait at the M15 stop. Take the M 15 until 96th street, then take the M96 or 97 and go to amsterdam and broadway (4 stops after having crossed central park) then go to specific address, pick the keys up and then take the SUBWAY 2 or 3 downtown and HOME.
Therefore I left this place and these really nice people for the continuing story of Bungalow Bill oh no that's not right for Coleeny on the other side not of the Atlantic this time but the border ;)
As I did so, I met really nice people, had to give money to someone because I did not have time (yet) to buy a metrocard and went along the way. I started chatting with my bus neighbor and finally ended up getting the keys.
I then took the subway back home, walked down the streets, got to the apartments and by magic the three keys functioned and could finally settle.
I had a tea, a few moments of rest and then back on the pavements. So what was the plan this day??????
Well wandering around, familiarizing with the city its different side EAST/WEST and especially Times Square. I spent a while there taking pictures, feeling the NY atmosphere, visiting shops, getting advertisements about the shows... Then back walking in the streets, first toward the Chrysler building and then I realized mmmmmmm maybe I should start going some fancy place or crucial place: THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING.

Getting there, we were warned 1:30 line before getting in... OK it's ok.... Well some hours later (something like 2:30) we were finally at the top ===========> wouah that's amazing, all these flashing lights, the stories about the buildings, the view, the immensity of the city (the city that never ends??? that never sleeps???) It was one of the best experience.
And not to be showing off, i took the special elevator (JK) went closer to heaven (if that exists) and reached 102, for another glimpse of what is NY. Reaching its peak (thanks to two kiddos who made the elevator functioning (not really but dreams are made of illusions) I was there with coconut and we both enjoyed the view offered. Take your time... because life is too short ;)

After a while I hit back the ground (no worries I did not jump, it's just figuratively speaking) and was back to reality... I just had a quiet night yeah still tired from all these upcoming crazy adventures along the trip and went back home (the line killed me too!!!!!!!!)

Wednesday early morning...
I took the subway, and stopped at Clark street and headed towards Brooklyn bridge wouah wouah wouah, Empire State of Mind playing on the I pod and yes I'm definitely in NYC. Took some snapshots, some shots of coconut (the famous monkey traveling all over every places it can go) and moved forward to other sightseeing... This one was moving and weird. Not necessarily for me or I don't how I feel about it but ground zero is weird... Now it's a construction field, and not having seen those towers for real I did not realize what was missing, I just knew but was nut affectionately attached. I was grieving but still did not quite catch the feeling... Ground zero is really another place...

After that I made my way towards Wall Street and their guardians armed as if we were all about to rob the place like this sure, my camera is in fact really dangerous it takes pictures of the architecture and security facilities JK, no this is a place you may want to see but not the most exhilarating!!!!!!!
Anyways after having been walking all over this part of town I headed back to the west side and was willing to go to the AMNH (American Museum of Natural History). AHAHAHA funny story I thought i'd take one of the A or C ( I don't remember the letters for these ones and would get off at 81st mmm It would have been a good plan only if the subway or train had stopped there ;)
So I took another one back and stopped at columbus circle which actually was cool because then I could just walk through Central Park and then reach  81st.

After this little walk I got in the museum and took my times to visit... Took my time to visit, visit and visit and visit... Yes there are a lot of things to see there sure is!!!!

After having been walking all day long just went back outside and hit the streets again just to wander around in NYC and times square (I would have gone to a show if: not alone and if I had find a not-too-expensive show) Anyways good times!!!!!!!!! I went toward the UN's building and just saw it from the outside yeah I was to late for the last visit hours (mmm like 3 hours, you sure you don't want to let me in... ;) Therefore I headed back to downtown (by that i mean 42nd Street and 5th). As I was there I went to the Grand Central Terminal (and not station, which is the name of the post office at the corner). I stayed there for a while taking pictures of people in transit (stuff I love) and read the history of the ceiling (being a reversed picture of the stars of our astrological constellation of something called like this) in fact you can see the different sign (like Aries, Taurus...) on the ceiling. Funny facts, first its upside down or not in the right way, then there's a whole in the ceiling that was not repaired because (I can't remember the date) but at some point they had a missile show there and had to make a whole for it so fit in there). There are stories about the clocks (the one in the middle and the one outside, designed for the outside one by a collaborative work with french artists). There's also a secret well guarded about how everything functions or how the train works there (it's a secret place that is not known....) This is it for Grand Central (there's also a nice market there ;)

Finally I headed back home and decided to conclude my day by a walk on Brooklyn Bridge by night ;)

These are not the so-much funny stories of visiting NYC but more are coming soon.

Up to now,

Coleeeeeny =======> OUT
Brooklyn Bridge, early morning

It deserved a High 5 or high V


Ground Zero

Coconut in central park


Coconut at the AMNH

UN's building

Grand Central Terminal

In transit

In transit


Brooklyn Bridge by night