Saturday, January 8, 2011

Along the Broadway...

Back on track...

As a follow up to the NYC trip, here are some of the following days and adventures...
Tuesday, 28, 9:00 AM
Ring a ling aaaaaahh no just my ringing alarm, yes indeed short nights make long days. Waking up at my friend's boyfriends parents' apartment, some chat, a shower and breakfast....
After a few times, I called my friend back after studying the map and making my plans to visit the Big A. So new back up plan, another roommate who couldn't get his flight was still in NYC and I just had to pick up the keys to his girlfriends' apartment. In order to do so, get out from the building, turn right, cross the streets then left and wait at the M15 stop. Take the M 15 until 96th street, then take the M96 or 97 and go to amsterdam and broadway (4 stops after having crossed central park) then go to specific address, pick the keys up and then take the SUBWAY 2 or 3 downtown and HOME.
Therefore I left this place and these really nice people for the continuing story of Bungalow Bill oh no that's not right for Coleeny on the other side not of the Atlantic this time but the border ;)
As I did so, I met really nice people, had to give money to someone because I did not have time (yet) to buy a metrocard and went along the way. I started chatting with my bus neighbor and finally ended up getting the keys.
I then took the subway back home, walked down the streets, got to the apartments and by magic the three keys functioned and could finally settle.
I had a tea, a few moments of rest and then back on the pavements. So what was the plan this day??????
Well wandering around, familiarizing with the city its different side EAST/WEST and especially Times Square. I spent a while there taking pictures, feeling the NY atmosphere, visiting shops, getting advertisements about the shows... Then back walking in the streets, first toward the Chrysler building and then I realized mmmmmmm maybe I should start going some fancy place or crucial place: THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING.

Getting there, we were warned 1:30 line before getting in... OK it's ok.... Well some hours later (something like 2:30) we were finally at the top ===========> wouah that's amazing, all these flashing lights, the stories about the buildings, the view, the immensity of the city (the city that never ends??? that never sleeps???) It was one of the best experience.
And not to be showing off, i took the special elevator (JK) went closer to heaven (if that exists) and reached 102, for another glimpse of what is NY. Reaching its peak (thanks to two kiddos who made the elevator functioning (not really but dreams are made of illusions) I was there with coconut and we both enjoyed the view offered. Take your time... because life is too short ;)

After a while I hit back the ground (no worries I did not jump, it's just figuratively speaking) and was back to reality... I just had a quiet night yeah still tired from all these upcoming crazy adventures along the trip and went back home (the line killed me too!!!!!!!!)

Wednesday early morning...
I took the subway, and stopped at Clark street and headed towards Brooklyn bridge wouah wouah wouah, Empire State of Mind playing on the I pod and yes I'm definitely in NYC. Took some snapshots, some shots of coconut (the famous monkey traveling all over every places it can go) and moved forward to other sightseeing... This one was moving and weird. Not necessarily for me or I don't how I feel about it but ground zero is weird... Now it's a construction field, and not having seen those towers for real I did not realize what was missing, I just knew but was nut affectionately attached. I was grieving but still did not quite catch the feeling... Ground zero is really another place...

After that I made my way towards Wall Street and their guardians armed as if we were all about to rob the place like this sure, my camera is in fact really dangerous it takes pictures of the architecture and security facilities JK, no this is a place you may want to see but not the most exhilarating!!!!!!!
Anyways after having been walking all over this part of town I headed back to the west side and was willing to go to the AMNH (American Museum of Natural History). AHAHAHA funny story I thought i'd take one of the A or C ( I don't remember the letters for these ones and would get off at 81st mmm It would have been a good plan only if the subway or train had stopped there ;)
So I took another one back and stopped at columbus circle which actually was cool because then I could just walk through Central Park and then reach  81st.

After this little walk I got in the museum and took my times to visit... Took my time to visit, visit and visit and visit... Yes there are a lot of things to see there sure is!!!!

After having been walking all day long just went back outside and hit the streets again just to wander around in NYC and times square (I would have gone to a show if: not alone and if I had find a not-too-expensive show) Anyways good times!!!!!!!!! I went toward the UN's building and just saw it from the outside yeah I was to late for the last visit hours (mmm like 3 hours, you sure you don't want to let me in... ;) Therefore I headed back to downtown (by that i mean 42nd Street and 5th). As I was there I went to the Grand Central Terminal (and not station, which is the name of the post office at the corner). I stayed there for a while taking pictures of people in transit (stuff I love) and read the history of the ceiling (being a reversed picture of the stars of our astrological constellation of something called like this) in fact you can see the different sign (like Aries, Taurus...) on the ceiling. Funny facts, first its upside down or not in the right way, then there's a whole in the ceiling that was not repaired because (I can't remember the date) but at some point they had a missile show there and had to make a whole for it so fit in there). There are stories about the clocks (the one in the middle and the one outside, designed for the outside one by a collaborative work with french artists). There's also a secret well guarded about how everything functions or how the train works there (it's a secret place that is not known....) This is it for Grand Central (there's also a nice market there ;)

Finally I headed back home and decided to conclude my day by a walk on Brooklyn Bridge by night ;)

These are not the so-much funny stories of visiting NYC but more are coming soon.

Up to now,

Coleeeeeny =======> OUT
Brooklyn Bridge, early morning

It deserved a High 5 or high V


Ground Zero

Coconut in central park


Coconut at the AMNH

UN's building

Grand Central Terminal

In transit

In transit


Brooklyn Bridge by night

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