Monday, January 3, 2011

The Empire State of Mind, The Big A

Sunday night, a long way to go, a freezing night in this bloody cold. Questions in my mind, answers dropped all over the road and on the way. Greyhound, Guelph 9.20 PM. All day long, I was looking at the weather forecast: plane/no plane???
Which decision is good?
Ultimately the One I made (ultimately it always happens to be the one you make that ends up being the good one). They always turn out to be the best. Anyways. There were a lot of doubts about this trip (but a lot of hope and faith in things to help sort things out). I was supposed to go to Buffalo and first realized I was going to Toronto and then Buffalo. Well it was not as clear as that, the drivers were really confusing some saying that they did not cross the border others saying that they were going to Buffalo but not the airport. Therefore, in Toronto I had two choices ahead, because of the weather and the high probabilities of being stranded in Buffalo:
1. Easy choice = going back home and losing the chance to have f****** awesome and legendary memories
2. Get on the bus, get this crazy trip done, figuring out how to get from one point to the other.

2nd choice validated. Even though that second choice was made, I still had to undergo all the trips adventures/misadventures. So first stop, custom, at the border. I was just waking up, half-heard what the driver said, heard something about some luggage, realized I had to get off the bus. Took some of my stuff and got out. As sleepy as I was I didn't get everything as the driver had said and had left my backpack inside the bus. I saw my luggage out, took it and went inside the customs office. Then, one of the officer came in, vigorously and threateningly asked: "Whose that bag" Mmm without even turning, no second doubt: "Oh, it's mine". The custom officer responding me as politely as a broomstick: "Didn't you hear that all luggage and bags had to be brought inside". I: "mmm no, I was sleepy". He then replied: "Do you have anything to declare (twice)"; "aaaah no some food and my laptop".
And there we were, I saw the guy, emptying my bag maybe mostly on a quest for some adventurous discoveries à la 24, but it turned out that I'm no drug dealer, no serial killer (or maybe, JK), no terrorist or whatever (maybe crazy). (He even X-rayed my mac to see if I didn't inadvertently set a bomb in it ;).
An then back in the bus a few minutes.
Buffalo Terminal.
From there, I had called a friend from my friend who lives there because I didn't know what to do of myself ;) I had heard that the airport did not take anyone, and was a bit afraid of what would happen...
Anyways I took a cab (all of this happening of course at 2.00 am in the morning) to the airport and slept there (AWESOME EXPERIENCE, A MUST DO) waiting for some answers and updates. I was waiting for the first counter to open and at something like 6 or 7 went there and asked the women what is possible in the world of flying realities. Not much, JFK was closed and was maybe supposed to reopen in the afternoon. I was therefore put on the waiting list (one which is as long as my intestines and even more ;) After a few times, I went back to the counter because the 4 PM flights were still canceled and an obnoxious and aggressive woman "welcomed" me "there are no planes today, nothing is flying today".
I was like yeah well I still need to figure out what I can do so can you please get the F*** out of my way so I can actually talk to the person at the counter. I had to figure if I would cancel/postpone or whatever.
I ended up at the counter and after the women introduced me to the reduced possibilities and high probabilities not to get a flight I decided to cancel them.
Ok, then wandering around, I found the greyhound desk (kind of) and asked about schedules or whatever. People were there and were supposed to take a bus to NY except that the Bus was not showing up and that they had heard they were completely full. Out of the blue I decided to get back to the terminal. Climb on the first bus to go downtown oooppss I only have a $20 bill and asked the driver, can you wait I'll get the change. He just said well get in (AWESOME)
After a long ride across Buffalo we got to the terminal where I bought my round trip for NY.

A long ride, with french people (mmm Lucky me (I'm being sarcastic there)) who didn't get of what the driver said so I had to translate everything with them (and here I'm prejudiced because they are from Paris). After 8 hours and 2 stops, Manhattan, NY, Port Authority Bus terminal 42nd and 8th Avenue.

Once there, I had to find a cab for Long Island, because long story short I had to pick up the keys for the place where I'd be staying! I was still with the french guys and we shared a cab (lucky me one of the driver agreed to take me up to Lond Island). I was chatting with my cab driver along the way and we talked about NY and the weather. He then got pissed because we had to get to a place (and cab drivers only know Manhattan by heart) and he didn't get the directions. We stopped and my friends came over. According to the driver they did not know how to explain the directions, from my point of view he just did not want to listen because I had the directions and I told him where to turn (which he did not). Anyways, got the keys, drove back to Brooklyn, street completely blocked by the snow = I had to finish walking there. I arrived at the place, nice building, get in, climbs the stairs and ................................................................. try to open the door. I'm saying try because I opened the only lock that was supposed to be locked but the door would not open. Yes indeed I was missing one of the keys for the door. Well it's ok, I'm just tired I can just sleep there... No, JK called my friend and we tried to figure out a back up plan.
Back up plan: go to the girl's boyfriend's parents in the upper east side (72nd/1st Avenue). I took a cab and got there: that is one of a fancy place. Awesome people (just to remind you it's something like 2.30 am in the morning), I got there and finally went to bed.

To conclude for this day =  A HELL OF A CRAZY AWESOME TRIP

The following story of NY will come soon

Coleeeeny out =========>

Baby-Sitter and Coconut ;)

Step up

NYC by night

Coconut at the Empire State Building (of Mind)

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