Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer, I love what you bring...

Canada oh dear Canada, I'm away while you blossom... I'll get to see you next year, next september, next summer

Summer, of course the season of sun the Chun season (chouette+fun). After finishing exams and work, it was time to go. The last days in the loo were a combination of partying, packing and saying goodbye, (of course watching avatar was included).
These last things to do before you go involved: going to the Falls again, going to club and see a French Canadian 'rockband' (no pun intended), having some canadian breakfast, enjoying my ride with T and J to the airport, and of course those last moments. I'll get to see you again soon oh Canada.
In the meantime, I'm on the other side from the other side. Back to the 4x4 yeah we kinda rock here, dealer de fleur de sel.
Anyways, these days could be summarized as taking care. Taking care of everything left: people, thesis, jobs.
Indeed, since may, it has just been about finishing my M2, working, writing and cueillir la Fleur de Sel, (it's an early season, this year). Seeing old friends and more is good. Summer brings happiness and sun in our hearts. Summer is a cup filled with gold (white gold) and brings with its wind, a florilège of adventures (again just like every year since Last Year)   ;)

Coleeeeeny out for now on ===========>

Summer: An in-between

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