Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween: Olé Olé Olé Olé Olé Olé Olé Olé Olé Olé Olé Olé FUCK YOU!!!!

And so in the world of horror there was a show, a horror show of terror, or beer. Olé!
It was by a dark night, in Rockwood, a place where cats are black with funny names but no hood. Almost like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide, I would be Mr Hide and I would be Doctor Jekyll ahahaha.
Anyway, after a nice day of nothing but sport, bubbly bubbled bath, and naps (and Dexter) we went to a friend's place in the countryside of Waterloo. A walk downtown before, some beers and Tequila after, and we hit the road. After an hour or so of driving and planning how we would take care of the situation if our buddy happened to smoke (since he's quitting) we arrived. (involved plans of punching faces and balls)
Settled, bedroom, make-up, mmm you look like Freddy Mercury with long hair, white skin and make up in addition. MUAHAHAHAHAHA Awesome!!!!
For my part I just picked up my favorite costume ever, "The Crow" the avenger, a scary character, he's my mister hide for the whole year and I'm is Doctor Jekyll for this one night. Scary faces, attitudes, yeah we're set, we're good, we're scary.

Arriving in the place, drinks, presentations, meat balls!! Punch, Canadian beer, shooter of Finish alcohol in a goat's hoove, tequila shooter, more beers, Pumpkin/Halloween Punch and then games. Flip cup, olé olé etc, this game really is funny and got a lot of people K.O!
Music, parties, Halloween maybe not as its scariest part but as a truly english-canadian experience.

This was awesome, especially with suche lovely people, thanks to them for receiving us!!

There are other funny memories that I will mention this way so that I don't forget it and people concerned will remember what I'm talking about.

BTW the fear fest was going on, on a giant TV, crazy, hours of supposedly scary movie, so not scary but funny but awesome ahahahaha

To be continued

The Crow ====> OUT

The Crow 

 Wanna Mess?

My super Hero 

Lookin' familiar 

Gettin' rid of annoyers 

 Me and My Old Lady

FLip Cup... Olé...Fuck You 

After the Concert, no just during the party 

Our Pumplin'Pimpkin ahahah 

Puking Pumpkin (repeat 10x) 

My Pumpkin ;)

Short story long: this Halloween will be reminded, especially with catch-phrases and guns such as "Everybody be cool this is a robbery"...

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