Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lift me up before you go go (JK I know the lyrics)

Okay funny story about yesterday.

9th floor, Dana Porter Library, 6.30 pm:
Ok after correcting papers, working on a presentation and thinking about working and after having a crunchy "4 heures" at 6 I decided it was time to go. Even though I will one day have a one night stand with the library, opened until 11 pm.
So packing, getting ready and going.
The Lift, an amazing race in a building, ups and down, I bet this is the one that has the more ups and downs in one day.
Anyway, I was listening to Gojira, which in an ipod, full volume makes a lot of noise =
1st funny fact (because everyone was pretty much intrigued)
2nd funny fact: the image of the lift opening in front of rooms where people are just working and us just standing up straight not moving, just waiting, no talking, no sneezing, no breathing? just thinking out loud in our heads.
3rd funny fact: American lift, this lift made me think of all these movies with scenes in a lift, huge lifts where people don't talk to each other but scrutinize each other, a judgmental gaze: "your music makes a lot of noise"; "what is she wearing", "oooh god I have to pee badly", "shit I hate these guys". What do people think in a lift never appears on their faces.

I was laughing, and my music screaming out loud in my ears.

This is it, it was just funny and I was laughing by myself because I bet I was the only one having this experience of the lift, the American lift (north american).

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Follow the White Rabbit? No rescue the Brown one

Et oui aujourd'hui nous ferons donc un post en français, qui l'eût cru à part le père l'eusses-tu cru?
Enfin bref, mises à part les informations sur mon arrivée, je souhaitais vous faire part de la gentillesse des canadiens ici, enfin ça dépend de qui mais bon. Donc en revenant ce soir après une dure journée de labeur à corriger sévèrement ces jeunes étudiants (non je rigole), et à faire le rat de bibliothèque dans la magnifique BU de Waterloo (là je rigole pas), je suis rentrée sur le chemin du parc et là un petit lapin tout brun, effrayé, la patte cassée...
Nous étions trois, réunis autour de ce petit chose, et à la rescousse, vive les blackberry pour en effet trouver un numéro joignable, la SPA canadienne. Bien sûr c'était assez "marrant" de se retrouver là à regarder ce petit être qui ne pouvait rien faire, laissé à l'abandon, percuté certainement, violemment, et de chercher à le secourir.
La SPA en tout bien tout honneur arriva, et là le gars lâche "he's not doing so well" (...) "I don"t think he'll have a good outcome" glurps, qu'est-ce qu'il va faire là dans sa camionette hein???? Enfin bref c'était un peu triste, ce petit lapin sans souffrance exposée, mais de la peur plein les yeux...

Enfin de façon plus joyeuse je reviens sur l'arrivée à Waterloo!!
Et donc le premier samedi, nous avons fait le tour des courses, puis je me suis balladée. Le mieux c'était le dimanche puis le lundi, et oui ici on a eu un grand week end, pour cause de fête du travail. Donc le dimanche, je suis allée en reconnaissance sur le campus. Génial une bibliothèque de 10 étages, c'est sûr que ça change de notre pauvre de BU de la fac de lettre de Nantes pour ceux qui connaissent, oui les moyens ne sont pas les mêmes etc, en attendant waouh comme les crêpes tiens.
Visite du campus, ring road, Modern Language, Arts Theatre Lecture Hall et for sure le student life center ===> et donc là j'ai pu faire ma carte étudiante, et oui un dimanche vive le Canada et l'administration, et ensuite j'ai même pu ouvrir un compte pour mon cellphone que j'ai eu attention, attention, attention, attention, mais oui pour zéro dollar si c'est pas magnifique ça c'est quoi???
Enfin bref, ensuite je suis allée manger un de ces pita sandwich dammmn c'était bon!!! Puis bien évidemment l'incontournable test du Starbucks Coffee!!! Nice mais bon un café français ou fait à la française reste incomparable (même si je n'en bois que très rarement, je préfère un bon jus corsé qu'un jus de chaussette). Heureusement qu'on peut tester différentes compos ;) le gâteau lui était bon.
Puis back home, chilling on a Sunday night...

Lundi: grande balade à pied avec bien évidemment toutes les photos visibles ici (quelques unes) surtout. Mais le i pod vissé sur les oreilles, Arcade Fire, All Smiles MGMT, Jonsi, Beirut et autres c'est le mix incontournable à associer au landscape. Un sentiment de plénitude des sensations auditives, visuelles, olfactives c'était awesome, plus ce sentiment de "je suis seule au monde" alors qu'à à peine 5 min il y avait bien évidemment les magnifiques trucks de ces chers canadiens qui aiment les grosses voitures.

Bon voilà je vous laisse sur votre fin/faim de sensation et vous rassasierai à un autre moment.

Coleeeny out ======>

Picturing it with frozen images

The path

The Green Side Effect


Of Yellow and Green

Vineyards in the Sun

Un Cabernet explosif


Niagara Falls

Indicating the Niagara Falls

Landscaping Toronto


Of Leafs

Fly Away

Un Soucoupe de Nuages

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back to the beginnings

So Everything that has a Beginning has an End, Agree or disagree, however I got here on September, 3rd and since then It has been a pretty good time around here.
Waterloo not the one you think ooo dear mamma mia, but the one in Ontario, Canada of course pour les non-initiés, ohh and yeah I will use franglais from now and then. Don't worry you'll juste get used to it, c'est simple comme la life. (à prononcer s-i-m-p-o-l/ l-a-i-f-e).

It all started on the 2nd, for sure, since no train would have taken us on time to Charles De Gaulle. So I was there with my dad and it was my last frenchie night, frenchie meal and everything.
5.25 => breakfast, bread and my last baguette but sadly no beurre demi-sel of course les Parisiens have bad taste and don't eat beurre demi-sel. Anyway, en route to the Airport.
7ish => waiting, waiting, sadly leaving is also sad, especially when you leave someone, your family, friends and everything.
7.10 => (btw I'm just making up the actual clockwise schedule) check-in ooooooops 20ks yeah sorry my books are heavy (or my shoes ;) paying, checking, weighing, going, waiting, undressing, redressing, waiting, crying, lonesome feeling, riding, walking up, sitting, fastening seat-belt, taking off, flying: here we are.
1.00 (local time please): driving, oo and my random buddy from the flight was from France of course and going to Toronto, nice ;) back to where I began, driving and randomly again someone from the French Department of Waterloo Where I actually happen to work for was in the same coach.
3.00: Waterloo, Ontario, 9 Avondale Avenue North, weird feeling, is this really here I did not get the wrong address right. Ok Coming up, showing up in our kitchen and there he is Nico, hey nice to meet you. Then again the chain of picking up, carrying unpacking, settling, and here I am a new Waterloo resident for a year (at least).

Donc à peine arrivée, first day, first hockey game, freezingly awesome Go Rangers, ils ont gagné par ailleurs. Bon bien sûr, I still have to learn the rules because you were just clapping and screaming like everyone else.
Then first night with my roomies two chilean guys as C-R-A-Z-Y as I am or as we all are to a certain extent. I got to taste chilean wine and beers and we all enjoyed a gig in our own place, so don't talk about cultural shock there are none. Everywhere, everytime, partout, de tout temps, tout ce partage, tout se comprend, même avec différents langages, genre si je me mettais à parler en verlant vous comprendriez, you got it right. Excepté pour ceux qui soit ne parlent pas français, ceux qui parlent un peu d'anglais et un peu de français et qui parlent verlant couramment enfin bref tout le monde.
I think I'll keep it to english on some days and french to others so that everyone gets the chance to know what I'm talking about.
Getting back to the beginning, (and I'm definitely sure it has no end since the definition of beginning consists in starting something so if you begin then you just begin, don't mention another word and then you won't have to finish) the first week end was all about visiting Waterloo, the shops (grocery shopping: boring), the places and mostly the landscapes.
For sure this is Canada, all around here you have huge parks, trees as colourful as the people here, and with fall colors, they are as warm as its people. More coming soon....

Squirrels don't go straight

Coming back home or not, since I was going to a friend's house, I just realized how squirrels don't go straight but are wandering around especially when they're looking for nuts.
Therefore We're pretty much like them trying to find nuts and being fairly nuts about that. The one I saw was pretty hectic and jumping around and everywhere, looking for that one nut he had hidden somewhere. How come they get to find them back because there are so many of them around here, this is a laugh every time you come across one of them.
So, I had my laughing moment right there and then this chinese guy passed me and of course I usually smile and laugh by myself apparently that's a weird behavior because when I saw the way that he was gazing back at me I was like mmm I might look as nuts as this squirrel to him. So from this statement I will definitely conclude that we all look like squirrels to each other and we all make fun of each other.

Mais bon ceci ce n'est qu'une idée comme une autre ;)

Signing in

Here It Is, sur les conseils avisés d'un ami cher, et donc pas gratuit, un blog né d'une envie de partager.
Quoi? cela on n'en sait rien, des idées, des pérégrinations, des photos, et surtout des envies, ....

Beaucoup d'envies...

Donc en ce Septembre non pas 09/11 mais 09/28 nacquit le blogspot de Coleeny

Coleeeny Out