Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hey, A ....

On the other side of the Atlantic, things are going wildly well and it turned out that I obtained an A (not necessarily for the first time of my life), but for the first time abroad, or in North America to be precise. An A, really, is making you feel good, I understand now what's the feeling ;)

Anyways, a saturday in waterloo (today as I should say most definitely) could be summed up as a good day. Waking up of course I need to wake up to do things even if I can do things in my dream they're mostly real/alive when i'm awake ;). Anyways, after having said goodbye to a friend going back to the old continent I got back home and watched a movie that made me feel a bit homesick.

I'm not necessarily homesick but seeing and hearing familiar sounds made me feel like I really was somewhere else. Indeed, I was watching Mercredi, folle journée which takes place in our dear and beautiful city NANTES. The tram, the places, the "jardin des plantes", "les quais de l'erdre", "motte rouge" these places are filled with memories, so i guess it's normal to feel a bit nostalgic when hearing them sound in your ears and deeply in your heart.

But this is not the point, so waking up this morning doing some chat overseas, and getting ready for proctoring (what a name, tell me about it!!!!!!!)

Proctoring: scientific name to say getting bored watching kiddos scratching their heads and at war with their not-so-well-reviewed french grammar. Some of them were pretty into it, others were flapping their wings and waiting for the first hour to be done to kick their own asses of the place and finally be done with their french exam. How ironic is it that they're happy when done, and not-so happy when receiving their grades. Maybe I should point out the link in between the fact that, usually, your grade correspond to the amount of work you spent on reviewing and actually taking the exam... Well they'll figure it out later...

One hour done, it seems that there were some sales somewhere because we were flooded by students getting out... Humm well we'll see the results.

So Exam done, ("WHAT ARE YOU DOING NEXT?" is miming T, and I trying to figure out what she's saying from across the room or gymnasium as I should say. Well I guess FOOD is welcome, and so heading to the Ye's sushi, we eat food and talk about everything. Everything that's usually what happens with food and wasabi (JK).

This is it the update for today because I actually have to correct these exams MERLIN'S BEARD!!!!!

Coleeeeeny out =======>

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa is coming.... To town

Merlin's beard, I'm glad i do not treat my dissertations as my blog otherwise I'd be screwed for this semester. Anyway, a lot of things happened during this past month, firstly we wen to Sainte-Marie au pays des Hurons, then we also had a tacky sweater party, and a nice picture with the actual Santa, and more of course.

Sainte Marie is beautiful, we were there at night for the "first lights show", we were definitely freezing, but we enjoyed jokes, cedar tea, songs, feather writing, candy tasting, candle making, marshmallow chocolate drinking, and of course snow. This was fun indeed.
Rocky Raccoon (made a hat and a song) 
 The village
A fireplace in the place

By the way, i also forgot to mention in between all  the activities during this silent virtual moment, we also had a gril's night, jazz's evening, a "soirée raclette" and The Dumbass departure dinner " (sépciale cacdédi)

The tacky sweater party was one of the best, have you ever worn a stupid sweater, just like in Bridget Jones???? Well I do and honestly this is one of the best sweater I now have ;) . My sweater is a jacket with a the zipper and a snow man divided by this same zipper it has gullybully eyes (a word i just made up ahaha) and Xmas red snow boots. My hat was also one of the best. I had a lightening chrismas tree!!!! Who has that eh? I'm asking.

anyway We had a lot of fun and a good evening of flip cup, singstar and beer pong!!!!

In between all this, snow has come to town in Waterloo and covered with her white blanket it's wonderful. This is brightful, fresh, shiny and nothing like anywhere else. I prefer the cold here than the one from France!!!!!!!!! (We had one night a -18 ouhou awesome).

That night was the girl's night where we played the Blitz "Awwwwwwww Man" this game is awesome, almost like jungle speed and as funny as any other card games. Still... So you can imagine that girl's night is about gossip but I'm not telling you any of it, just have to bring your ass over here if you wanna be part of it ;)

During this evening there was a joke told, one of this joke that would make you piss your pants, here it is, for you in a first preview:

This is the story of a girl who went to a jewelry shop. While looking at some necklaces and bending down she farted. As she stand up again she saw the salesman and acting like nothing happened she asked him how much was the necklace. He then simply told her: "If I'm telling you the price right now, you're gonna shit your pants" ahahah isn't that funny ;)

Anyway another awesome thing we did with one of my roommate was to go take a picture with THE actual Santa, coz he actually live in Waterloo for the record... HE was asking us if we had been good, but i don't know what's the definition of good and on which social paradigm it's constructed so i just said with a smile: "I work" ahahaha stupid.
Nico, Santa and I

Then we had the dumbass departure dinner, where we ate a crock pot or whatever it's spelling is but T made chicken and Jezzzzz that was F****** awesome, or I should say (because that's my new swear word and it rocks) MERLIN'S BEARD that was good. A good evening of fun, games, wii, movies, dinner, BLITZ, SNOW BALL FIGHTS, some bricolage and a lot of laugh!!!!

There we go for this little update, i'll make sure to write a bit more though.

Coleeeny out ========>