Thursday, February 9, 2012

Life is a pooplet of sugar

Hi everyone,

Well I haven't had any freaky encounters to talk about lately and life has been pretty sweet. Monday dinners as usual, nights out, nights in. Red wine and beer, copies and papers have been casually giving rhythm to these past few weeks.

Until the other day...

I mean yesterday. As usual, I went to my office to get some work done and go to different appointments when suddenly our secretary, K, knocks on the door. Me, not even knowing who was there, "le nez plongé dans le bouquin" I just look up and see her and wonder why she came all the way down to our office. S was there too, working on her paper and K just goes: "Have you received an email.... Did you check your Quest account" Le me going "no, no... why" (In my head it's all tupsy-turvy: did I pay my tuition, did I forget something) and then she goes : "Well you got accepted for a scholarship"

Time for some realization: "what, but I did not do anything..." K : "Well we just threw your name in and you got accepted" so... being a first year PhD female student with excellent records is enough ;)

I logged in my Quest account, went to the financial aid and wham just got slapped (but very happily). Well that was just overwhelming. I had to get it out and had tears in my eyes. Hugged my lil' S and went for a coffee. On the way there I came across lil' P and hugged her too. Happiness is warm inside and outside. I called everyone, well, those I could call and let them know what had just happened. The day was not over, I went to the dentist and they did not make me pay!!! What a beautiful and sunny day in the loo.

On a different note, as we were talking with J before some groceries I was telling her how I felt about France and Canada and how Canada has been great to me and how life is good "on the other side". I just told her, since we were talking about places where we'd live that "My region lives in me, but I cannot live in my region or my country"... Is it sad, is it pessimistic... sometimes you feel like there are places where you're not completely yourself. I love France, I miss it, especially La Bretagne and Nantes but there's a but.... It's in the bigger picture that I don't feel like I belong there. Anyways, good talk again and

Sur ce,

Talk to you later

Coleeeeeeny out =====>